第一位从2025年武汉体育消费周和2025年中国银行武汉马拉松新闻发布会中学到的第一家财务记者,为了进一步提高消费并将活动交通转化为开发增量,武汉将创建一张城市名片,用于“与活动”的城市名片”。 10 million yuan in sports consumption coupons were issued in batches to provide runners with a three-dimensional consumption experience of "race, food, reward and purchase" and release the vitality of "Cherry Blossom + Consumption Week".
Bao Bo, the head of Hanma Company, introduced that Wuhan held a marathon for the first time in 2016, with more than 60,000 registrations, setting a record for the number of people who registered for domestic marathon events at that time; 2025年,全球67个国家和地区有超过450,000个。著名的跑步者签约,打破了参加家庭马拉松比赛的人数的记录。 The Wuhan Marathon has been upgraded from the "Bronze Medal" of the China Athletics Association for 5 levels in a row, and has been upgraded to the "Golden Mark Event" of the World Athletics Federation in less than 10 years, which also refreshed the升级活动的时间。 At present, Wuhan is tied with Beijing, Guangzhou and Chongqing to become the cities of the four major slams of the Chinese Marathon.
"The gold bidding event means that the competitive level and participation experience will be further improved." Bao Bo said that the World Athletics Federation has corresponding standards for the competitive performance of the "gold bidding event". Among the contestants, a certain number of "Gold Mark Players" from the World Athletics Federation talent pool must participate. Currently, 11 "Gold Mark Players" plan to come to Wuhan to participate. "If nothing unexpected happens, the record of the Hanma and Malaysia full-master event It is expected to be rewritten this year.”
At the same time, the "Golden Boutique Event" also means an all-round improvement in the event organizational guarantee capabilities and level. Considering that the scale of the event has expanded from 30,000 to 40,000 last year, in order to give runners a better participation experience, Hanma will start with a three-shot order in 2025. "The three-shot starts and the time is extended, which will increase the difficulty of event organization and city management, and it will also be a new challenge for event organizers," said Bao Bo.
In recent years, marathon events are no longer a simple running competition. Localities have seized the traffic dividends of marathon events, promoted the integration of sports and culture, tourism, consumption and other industries, and turned "marathon traffic" into "economic increase".
The "2024 Wuhan Marathon Comprehensive Benefit Assessment Report" compiled by Wuhan Business School shows that the 2024 Wuhan Marathon generates a comprehensive benefit of 2.412 billion yuan and a Wuhan urban benefit of 1.571 billion yuan.
During the 2025 Wuhan Marathon, Wuhan will launch the Sports Consumption Week activities to tap the potential of sports consumption and improve the quality of urban consumption by building diversified consumption scenarios. This is the second time Wuhan has organized a sports consumption week event during its time in Hanma.去年,第一次体育消费周活动创造了22.6亿元人民币的经济利益,宣传涵盖了超过1000万人。
The 2025 Wuhan Sports Consumption Week will begin on March 17, and 10 million yuan of sports consumption coupons will be issued in batches.体育消费优惠券将于3月17日至3月23日通过“ Han Sports”微信Mini计划发行,面额从10元到300元。除了一般优惠券外,还为参加Wuhan Marathon的参赛者设置了“ Hanma优惠券”,Hanma运动员可以获得30至50元的额外消费优惠券。消费优惠券不仅可用于2025年武汉体育消费展览会上的指定商人,还可以用于大型商业区的指定商人,脱机验证“时间品牌”食品的验证以及在线验证“ Han Sports”购物中心,,“ Han Sports”购物中心,收集体育用品,体育场地,汉玛食品生活节和汉玛微信店都集成到各种业务应用中,以真正实现“一张优惠券手头并享受好处。”
此外,武汉文化和旅游集团还将推出“马匹樱花观看”旅游套餐,分发樱花观看文化和旅游礼品套餐,在线发布樱花观看地图,并创建Hanma Cherry Blossom Viewing Tour。 Wuhan Internet名人入住点,包括“ Zhiyinhao”,“晚上去黄吊楼”,“在Liangjiang中旅行”,以及Ba Gong Mansion和Chiwu书店都准备好了丰富的折扣,并为汉玛参赛者提供了周到的服务。 “过早的热门跑步”活动将为汉玛参赛者提供一种特殊的中国早餐,以体验武汉独特的“早产”文化。