2月24日,中国证券监管委员会主席Wu Qing发表了一篇题为“为资本市场的职能提供全面发挥以更好地服务新工业化的文章”,这表明我们应该全力以赴地发挥作用数据要素促进数字经济并深入整合现实经济,并加速制造业模型和企业形式的根本变化。绿色和低碳是新工业化的生态背景颜色。我们必须改善资本市场的绿色金融标准系统,丰富资本市场的绿色金融产品,并帮助促进工业发展模式的创新。资本市场将继续在“数字融资,绿色金融和技术融资”中表现出色,以新行业,新技术和新的业务形式为高质量企业提供支持,并坚定地遏制盲人的发展”两个高级项目。
WU Qing
促进新的工业化是党中央委员会以XI Jining为核心的重要战略部署,从党和国家的整体情况开始,专注于以全方位的方式建立一个现代的社会主义国家,并且是与建立现代工业系统并增强该国的核心竞争力有关。自从中国共产党第18大国会大会以来,秘书长习近平就对新工业化的一系列重大理论和实际问题发表了重要陈述,并深刻阐述了促进新工业化的重要意义,重要原则和关键任务。新时代和新旅程,这是非常政治的。 ,意识形态和指导。在全面建立一个现代社会主义国家并朝着第二个百年目标迈进的新旅程中,我们必须稳步推进新的工业化,加速制造能力的建设,并为中国风格的现代化建立强大的材料和技术基础。
工业是一个国家和强大国家,国民经济的主导地位以及现实经济的主体的基础。新的工业化是发展新优质生产力的主要战场。中国证券监管委员会一直非常重视工业和制造业企业的发展,并将其视为为实际经济高质量发展服务的首要任务。工业和制造业企业构成了A股中市公司的主体。截至2024年底,在上海和深圳北部交易所上市的5,000多家上市公司中,工业和制造业企业占上市公司总数的76.5%,占市场价值的占。 56.58%,利润占32.32%。这些高质量的企业已成为资本市场高质量发展的“基本”,并且资本市场与新的工业化紧密相关。
多层资本市场是促进新工业化的强大驱动力。资本市场在优化资源分配,促进资本形成,改善公司治理和改善现代企业系统方面发挥着重要作用,并具有为发展新优质生产力发展的巨大潜力。一方面,资本市场发挥了枢纽功能,收集各种资金以有效地转化为资本,领导着人才和科学与技术等其他因素和资源的协调聚合和整合,帮助企业进行研究和发展,转换,升级,并购和收购,并促进企业以实现跨越的发展。 。另一方面,资本市场加强了限制和激励措施,促进企业以加强公司治理,改善内部控制和标准化运营,并培养现代企业系统。上市公司自己的名片效果和权益期权激励措施吸引并稳定了出色的才能,鼓励企业家发挥其管理技能和创新精神,并增强其核心竞争力。
新的工业化是资本市场高质量发展的重要保证和驱动力。我国的超大市场规模,基本行业的强大支持能力以及新的国家系统下的高级科学和技术创新环境为新的工业化提供了强大的支持和广泛的空间。代表新质量生产力的高质量工业和制造业企业为资本市场带来了更多的淡水,使投资者可以共享经济发展的成果。工业和制造业企业不仅构成了上市公司的“基本基础”,而且具有工业企业的最具代表性的“样本”,反映了我国的整体工业水平。其中,新能源和先进制造或“国家重型设备”领域中有许多领先的企业。 ”。这些企业在维护国家经济安全,促进关键核心技术以及确保国民经济和人民生计方面发挥了示威和领导作用,为资本市场提供了丰富的势头,以实现可持续的长期健康和稳定的发展。
新的工业化是发展新质量生产力的重要驱动力,这是新优质生产力的重要载体,并且为新的优质生产力创造了丰富的应用程序方案。资本市场应该将新的工业化视为促进新质量生产力的重要组成部分,并且必须坚定地遵循金融发展的道路与中国特征,将资本市场的一般法律与中国的国家状况和市场状况相结合,并深深地掌握在新时代促进新工业化的基本原则。 。
第四,遵守面向问题的方法。面对复杂而严重的外部环境,为了确保国家安全和工业安全,我们必须遵守底线思维和极端思维,在行业中努力工作,并在行业中努力工作,并大大提高弹性和韧性关键工业链和供应链的独立性和可控性。 ,努力解决“瓶颈”的关键核心技术问题。进一步增加了对综合电路,工业主机,医疗设备,工具,工业和基本软件等关键行业的支持。鉴于我国对外国战略资源的高度依赖,为了支持战略新兴行业和未来行业,有必要大力提高保证战略资源的能力。资本市场将指导因素资源在这些领域中收集,并全面使用各种工具来提供适应性的金融产品和服务。
我们必须研究并了解XI Jinping关于新工业化的重要论述,了解我国新工业化的时代和历史使命的特征,然后准确地掌握资本市场的方式和要求以支持新的工业化。新的工业化是由科学和技术创新,高质量发展作为主线的高质量发展以及工业化和数字化,智能,网络和绿化的综合发展的新开发概念领导的。道路。为了促进新的工业化,我们必须准确地认识到变化,科学反应并积极寻求变革。我们不仅必须遵循世界工业化的一般法律,而且还必须从国家条件开始,并将高质量发展的要求融入整个新工业化过程中。
首先,我们必须深入掌握科学和技术创新的使用来领导新的工业化。当科学和技术繁荣时,国家繁荣;当科学和技术繁殖时,该国就很强大。科学技术是主要的生产力,创新是主要的驱动力,而新的工业化是科学和技术创新的主要战场。秘书长习近平一再强调制造业的核心是创新。技术创新是新工业化最重要的引擎。我们必须牢固地掌握科学和技术创新的“牛头”。资本市场应积极地集成到新的科学和技术创新国家体系中,并强调资本市场在为科学和技术创新服务方面的独特优势。 “收费短的钱变长了,收集小钱变得更大。”储蓄是资本,“风险共享和利润共享”,资本市场可以有效地收集资源,加速科学和技术行业的融合,刺激企业家精神,并符合科学和技术创新企业的特征,例如“大型投资,,长周期和快速迭代“和平滑”的技术 - 工业 - 财务”美德周期。
中国证券监管委员会已彻底实施了CPC中央委员会和国务院新工业化理事会的一系列主要部署,准确地掌握了其战略定位,分阶段的特征和环境条件的变化,并在监督工作中实施了各种要求,并实施了各种要求在保证和支持中发挥了良好的作用。增加了改革和创新的努力,继续改善资本市场的功能,大力指导要素的资源以聚集新的质量生产力,不断改善支持新工业化的监管系统和市场生态学科学和技术创新。自2024年以来,在实施新的“九个国家法规”并在资本市场中形成“ 1+n”政策体系的过程中,服务于创新驱动的发展策略并促进新质量生产力的发展已被视为重要任务。
资本市场将促进新质量生产力的发展,这是服务的首要任务,并将不断改善政策制度以支持新的质量生产力的发展。 2024年4月,中国证券监管委员会制定并发布了“资本市场的16项措施,以服务于技术企业的高级发展”,包括准确识别基于技术的企业,改善了整个连锁店的“绿色渠道”,,并支持基于技术的企业的股票和债券的融资。改善支持系统和其他措施,以支持科学和技术创新。 2024年6月,中国证券监管委员会发布并实施了“加深科学技术创新委员会改革的八项措施,以服务于科学和技术创新以及新的质量生产力的发展”,进一步促进了全面发挥作用科学技术创新委员会支持科学和技术创新的“测试领域”系统,重点是改善发行和承保系统,优化股票和债券融资安排,等等,引入一套改革措施,以改善新行业,新业务形式和新技术的包容性。目前,已经实施了许多具体措施。 2024年9月,中国证券监管委员会发布了“关于加深上市公司合并和收购市场改革和收购市场的意见”,为基于技术的企业的合并和收购和重组实施了“绿色渠道”,这些企业通过关键核心破坏了关键核心技术,加快审查进度,并提高合并和收购的便利性。 2025年2月,中国证券监管委员会发布了“对资本市场的实施意见,以在金融方面做得好”,以更好地服务于高质量的经济和社会发展。
我国家的私募股权风险投资基金已发展成为资产管理行业的重要组成部分。 “早期,小型,长期和硬技术的投资”的作用越来越重要,并且是促进患者资本形成并为实体经济的高质量发展的重要力量。 。我们将认真执行“有关私募股权投资基金的监督和管理法规”和“关于国务院总办公室的通知”,并不断优化开发私募股权风险投资基金的法律和政策环境。从2021年到2023年,私募股权风险投资基金的平均年度投资本金为1.2万亿元,约占同期新社会融资量表的3%至4%。战略新兴行业的代表性领域的行业投资比例(例如半导体,新能源,计算机应用和生物医学)的比例继续增加。 2023年,上述领域增加了14,000个新的投资项目,额外的投资本金为4822亿元人民币,占全年股票的45%的投资增长准确地支持了新优质生产力的代表行业。自2024年第三季度末期的注册系统改革以来,科学技术创新委员会的上市公司中有近90%和Chinext董事会上市公司中有50%得到了私募股权基金的支持。
首先,继续发展公司债券市场并稳步促进多样性创新。 2024年,交易市场发行了4.93万亿元的公司(企业)债券,其中工业企业发行了1.92万亿元的公司债券,同比增长37%。交易市场总共发行了6866亿元的技术创新公司债券,绿色公司债券等,同比增长了46%,其中6165亿元的技术创新公司债券发行了一份。年增长68%。第二个是稳步开发资产支持的证券。 2024年,交易市场中资产支持证券(ABS)的发行量表为1.25万亿元人民币,其中创新产品的发行量表,例如知识产权,绿色(碳中立性),总计10050亿元,该功能为现实经济服务的资产支持的证券得到了进一步改善。 。第三个是继续促进基础设施房地产信托投资基金(简称REIT)的正常发行。自REITS飞行员以来,中国证券监管委员会已批准了总共62个REITS项目以进行初步发行和扩张,从而筹集了1660亿元人民币,帮助企业振兴了现有资产,扩大有效的投资,并形成了一个美好的周期投资和融资。
海外清单为所有类型的新技术和新行业提供多元化的融资渠道。利用海外资本市场的差异化投资者结构以及对无利可图的增长企业的更具包容性市场环境,它可以有效地帮助企业分享创新风险。建立和平滑技术,行业和资本的良性循环,并帮助建立新的工业化生态系统。从2023年3月开始,将官方实施“为国内企业的直接和间接海外上市活动实施注册管理的“海外管理和国内企业上市的审判措施”,并将实施注册管理。一个更透明,高效和可预测的机构环境。 By the end of 2024, a total of 199 domestic companies have completed the registration of overseas initial public offerings (of which 117 are planning to go public in Hong Kong). The types of enterprises cover multiple industries such as manufacturing, new energy, and intelligent driving. In 2023, the Fourth Paradigm and UBL will be listed in Hong Kong one after another, namely the first listed company in the domestic decision-making AI software industry and the first listed company in the domestic humanoid robot industry. In September 2024, Midea Group, a leading A-share industry company, was listed in Hong Kong, making it the largest IPO project in the Hong Kong market in the past three years; in October, Horizon, an intelligent driving technology company, was listed in Hong Kong, becoming the largest financing scale in Hong Kong stocks in the past year. Technology company IPO project. In terms of new energy vehicles, Lotus and Zekr were listed in the United States in February and May 2024, respectively, becoming the fourth and fifth Chinese new energy vehicle companies to be listed in the United States.
(VI) Actively play the role of the futures market in supporting new industrialization
First, continuously improve the industrial product futures and options product system. At present, a total of 146 futures option varieties are listed in my country's futures market. In terms of industrial products, 95 futures option varieties such as crude oil, iron ore, industrial silicon, and cotton yarn have been listed, covering all the upstream, midstream and downstream links of the industrial chain. The second is to increase market cultivation efforts, continue to promote the improvement of the institutional environment for enterprises to carry out hedging activities, and focus on helping industrial enterprises in the transformation period establish market-oriented risk management systems. The third is to continuously optimize existing varieties and promote the upgrading of traditional industries. Since 2024, the China Securities Regulatory Commission has guided the futures exchange to revise the trading rules of 21 industrial varieties. Fourth, steadily promote opening up to the outside world, help enhance the influence of important commodities prices, and promote the formation of "Chinese prices" that reflects China's supply and demand and is recognized by the world. Fifth, serve the overall situation of ensuring supply and stabilizing prices, safeguard the supply and demand of important commodities such as national energy, and serve industrial enterprises, especially large state-owned enterprises, to effectively respond to market shocks and ensure the safety of supply of important commodities.
(7) Actively guide securities companies and fund companies to support scientific and technological innovation
First, urge securities and fund management institutions to support the development of new industrialization. The "Opinions on Strengthening the Supervision of Securities Companies and Public Funds and Accelerating the Construction of First-class Investment Banks and Investment Institutions (Trial)" was issued to explore the formation of a diversified financial products and service system suitable for new industrialized enterprises. In conjunction with the People's Bank of China, the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Work of Swapping Convenience of Securities, Funds and Insurance Companies" was issued. Currently, the swap convenience has been carried out twice, with an amount exceeding 100 billion yuan, continuing to bring incremental funds to the market. The second is to actively promote the entry of various medium- and long-term funds into the market. Since 2024, the China Securities Regulatory Commission and relevant departments have jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Entering of Medium- and Long-term Funds" and the "Implementation Plan for Promoting the Entering of Medium- and Long-term Funds", which clearly stipulates that it has promoted the entry of medium- and long-term funds into the market and built "long-term money and long-term funds" "The key work arrangements for the institutional environment and optimize the financing environment of enterprises. The third is to guide securities companies to actively provide services for financing new industrialized enterprises. Securities companies are required to strengthen the construction of professional underwriting and underwriting capabilities, set up bonus points for supporting scientific and technological innovation in investment banking business quality evaluation, and encourage securities companies to improve their equity and debt financing capabilities for technology enterprises. In 2024, securities companies will provide 51,200 yuan in equity and bond financing scale for physical enterprises. 1亿元人民币。 Fourth, support fund companies to launch more science and technology innovation theme funds in a steady and orderly manner. The public fund manager classification evaluation system has established bonus indicators for the scale of theme products such as science and technology innovation to guide the industry to serve high-level science and technology self-reliance and self-improvement. As of the end of 2024, 449 science and technology innovation theme funds have been approved, 389 have been established, with a scale of 673.421 billion yuan.
6. Further strengthen the capital market's responsibility and action in promoting new industrialization
In the next step, the China Securities Regulatory Commission will continue to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, focus on accelerating the overall goal of accelerating the construction of a safe, standardized, transparent, dynamic and resilient capital market, and do a solid job in finance. Five big articles”, give full play to the functions of the market, stimulate market vitality, further reflect the capital market's responsibility and action in promoting new industrialization, help build a modern industrial system, and make greater contributions to the comprehensive promotion of the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation and the realization of Chinese-style modernization strength.
First, further improve the service coverage and accuracy of the multi-level capital market. In-depth research on the characteristics, development laws and their needs in investment and financing, incentives and constraints, corporate governance, etc., and enrich the tools, products and services of the capital market in a targeted manner. Improve the multi-level capital market system and give full play to the synergistic effect of the stock and bond market. Priority will be given to supporting the financing, mergers and restructuring of technology-based enterprises that have researched key core technologies, and to improve the quality and efficiency of new quality and productivity development.
The second is to continuously improve the capital market system and enhance the inclusive and adaptability to new quality productivity. Continue to promote the implementation of "Sixteen Technological Innovation Articles" and "Eight Technological Innovation Board", further comprehensively deepen the reform and opening up of the capital market, conduct in-depth research and improvement of institutional arrangements such as issuance and listing, private equity and venture capital, enhance the competitiveness of the capital market system, and enhance the new The inclusiveness and adaptability of new industrial forms and new technologies can better serve scientific and technological innovation, green development and the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and continuously optimize the structure of listed companies.
The third is to support listed companies to transform and upgrade through mergers and acquisitions. Against the backdrop of the current global industrial transformation and the accelerated transformation and upgrading of my country's economic structure, it is urgent to play a key role in corporate mergers and acquisitions and restructuring. In the next step, we will implement the "Six M&A" and launch a number of typical cases as soon as possible in promoting industrial integration and optimal allocation of resources, and better serving the development of new quality productivity, so as to better play the main channels of the capital market in mergers and acquisitions and restructuring. Function to serve the transformation and upgrading of listed companies.
Fourth, promote long-term funds to enter the market and strengthen patient capital. Focusing on the goals of "growing more money, growing longer money, and getting better returns", we will continue to actively create conditions to attract more medium- and long-term funds to enter the capital market, promote the formation of an institutional environment of "long money and long investment", and steadily improve the medium- and long-term The scale and proportion of funds invested in A-shares will be improved to improve the supply and structure of capital market funds. At the same time, we will optimize the support policies for the entire chain of "funding, investment, management and withdrawal" for venture capital and private equity investment, guide early investment, small investment, and hard technology, and promote the virtuous cycle of "technology-industry-finance".
Fifth, continue to improve the capital market ecology. To implement supervision, we must have "titles with thorns" and have edges and corners, severely punish all kinds of illegal and irregular behaviors such as financial fraud, fraudulent issuance, market manipulation, and illegal share reduction, effectively safeguard the "three public" of the market, and promote the strengthening of the foundation. At the same time, we encourage the practice of the "five musts and five nos" financial culture, urge listed companies, industry institutions, etc. to adhere to the spirit of the rule of law integrity and contract, fulfill their fiduciary obligations and fiduciary responsibilities, and cultivate the equity of "respect and return investors" Culture creates a good "soft environment" for the stable and healthy development of the capital market.