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2025-3-3 阅读 152 约 6分钟读完


On March 3, according to the website of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, in order to further improve the enterprise state-owned assets trading system and improve the efficiency and standardization of the transfer and allocation of state-owned assets, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council recently revised and issued the "Rules for Enterprise State-owned Assets Trading Operations" (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules").规则的修订主要反映在以下方面:

首先,提高企业国有资产交易的运营标准。 In accordance with the "Regulations on Supervision and Administration of State-owned Assets Transactions in Enterprises" (State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council Order No. 32), the "Notice on Issuance" (State-owned Assets Development Property Rights [2009] No. 120) was revised, and the normative operating procedures and principles for capital increase in state-owned enterprises and transfer of physical assets in state-owned enterprises were added,填补了相关系统中的空白,促进了各种类型资产的标准交易,并有效地阻止了国有资产的损失。


第三个是有效保护交易中各方的权利和利益。 The "Rules" fully reflect the principle of open, fair and just transactions, and clarifies the main process of enterprise state-owned assets trading behavior from decision-making approval, information release to transaction completion and transfer, the basic content of the terms of the transaction contract, as well as related requirements such as abstention of related persons, use of name and fonts, confidentiality obligations, and archive retention involved in the transaction process, clarify the rights and obligations在交易的各方中,提高行动的标准化和效率,并确保各方的合法权利和利益得到有效保护。


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