
十四届全国人大三次会议开幕 李强总理作政府工作报告 中国式现代化迈出新步伐

分析师熊大 本文作者

2025-3-5 阅读 69 约 2小时读完


第14届全国人民大会的第三届会议于3月5日上午9点在人民大厅举行。总理李·昆格(Li Qiang)发表了政府工作报告,并现场直播了新罕布什尔州的播放。政府工作报告的摘录如下:


总理李·昆格(Li Qiang)在他的政府工作报告中指出,我国家的发展历史在过去一年中一直是非凡的。成功举行了中国共产党第20委员会的第三次全体会议,并为进一步的加深改进和促进中国风格的现代化做出了安排。我们庄严地庆祝了中华人民共和国成立75周年,这极大地激发了全国所有民族群体斗争的爱国热情和精神。在过去的一年中,在党中央委员会的强大领导下,面临着增加外部压力和增加内部困难的复杂而严重的状况,习近平是核心,全国各地的所有种族群体的人们都在努力并克服了困难,而且经济行动通常是稳定且稳定的。全年的经济和社会发展的主要目标和任务已经成功完成,高质量的发展得到了稳步促进,新的优质生产力已经稳步发展,我国家的经济实力,科学和技术力量以及全面的民族实力持续增长,并且中国的现代化已经采取了新的稳定步骤,进一步增强了我们的确定和自信,这使我们的决心和全面建立了一个新的社会之乡。


“进步”的速度是坚实而强大的。主要反映在工业升级方面已取得了新的进步,谷物产量首次跃升至1.4万亿吉恩的新水平,而每MU的产量提高了10.1 Jin;高科技制造和设备制造的附加值分别增加了8.9%和7.7%,新能源车辆的年产量超过1300万辆汽车;信息传输软件和信息技术服务,租赁和业务服务的附加值分别增加了10.9%和10.4%。创新能力得到了提高,并且在综合电路,人工智能,量子技术等领域已取得了新的成就。 Chang'e-6已在月球后获得了第一个人类抽样和返回,“梦想”海洋钻探船已完成并包括在列表中。技术合同的交易量增加了11.2%。生态环境质量已得到新的改善。县及以上城市中细颗粒物物质的平均浓度(PM2.5)下降了2.7%,优秀日子的比例增加到87.2%,地表水中优质水质部分的比例增加到90.4%。每单位GDP的能耗降低了3%以上;新的可再生能源安装能力增加了3.7亿千瓦。改革和开放取得了新的突破,中国共产党第20个中央委员会第二和第三次全体会议的改革安排已以坚实而有效的方式实施。机构改革的改革已经完整完成,重大改革措施,例如建立统一的国家市场和逐渐延迟法定退休年龄的措施。对制造业中外国投资访问的所有限制都已取消,贸易和投资合作共同建立了“皮带和道路”,不断扩大和升级。



总理李·昆格(Li Qiang)在他的政府工作报告中提出了5日,在过去的一年中,宏观控制得到了根据时代和情况的加强和创新,并促进了经济复苏和改善。



总理李·昆格(Li Qiang)在他的政府工作报告中提出了5日,在过去的一年中,他无力地加深了改革,并以全方位的方式扩大了开放,并增强了内源性的开发驱动力。

清理和废除阻碍统一国家市场,制定和实施公平竞争审查法规的法规和实践,并采取规范当地投资促进的措施。加深国有企业的改革,并不断优化国有经济的布局。提交国民大会常务委员会,以审查有关促进私人经济的法律草案,以改善私人经济的发展环境。积极地扩大新的增长点,以不断优化进出口结构,外贸出口有助于经济增长。充分实施跨境服务交易的负面列表。开展试点项目,以开放增值电信,生物技术和全资医院。增加单方面的开放努力,并为与中国建立外交关系的最不发达国家的所有产品提供零关税。单方面无签证的国家的范围已经扩大,无运输签证国家的国内住宿时间已延长至240小时,入站旅游业继续升温。 “腰带和道路”的高质量联合建设取得了显着的成果,许多重大项目和人民的生计项目已经稳步实施。


总理李·昆格(Li Qiang)在他的政府工作报告中介绍了5日,在过去的一年中,他大力促进了创新驱动的发展,并促进了工业结构的优化和升级。



总理李·齐安(Li Qiang)在他的政府工作报告中提出了5日,在过去的一年中,协调的城市和农村地区发展已经协调,经济布局得到了优化。



总理李·齐安(Li Qiang)在他的政府工作报告中介绍了5日,在过去的一年中,他积极发展了社会事业并改善了人们的生计。



总理李·昆格(Li Qiang)在他的政府工作报告中提出了5日,在过去的一年中,我们继续加强生态和环境保护,并提高绿色和低碳发展水平。



总理李·齐安(Li Qiang)在他的政府工作报告中提出了5日,在过去的一年中,我们将加强政府的建设和治理创新,并保持社会和谐与稳定。

党中央委员会对党的全面和严格治理的战略部署,严格实施中央八法规的精神,以稳固的方式进行党的纪律学习和教育,有效地纠正形式主义,有效地减轻了对草原单位的负担,彻底地管理着群众的不健康做法,并不断地管理党派的党派,并不断地对政党进行斗争和斗争和侵略政府和斗争和侵略。根据法律加深促进行政管理。 19向全国人民代表大会的常务委员会提出了法律建议,并制定了28项行政法规。有意识地根据法律接受监督。认真处理NPC代表的建议和CPPCC成员的建议。加强行政执法监督并标准化涉及企业的行政检查。将推出“有效做一件事”的两个关键问题,以促进在线和离线服务能力的整体改进。对高质量发展进行全面的监督和促进。创新并改善社会治理。加强对冲突和争议的调查和解决,并促进请愿工作中的法治。加强应急管理和生产安全,并对整个安全危害(例如天然气和电动自行车)进行特殊纠正。有效预防和应对自然灾害,例如洪水,台风和地震。改善国家安全系统。严格防止极端案件,严重地根据法律惩罚恶性犯罪,并尽一切努力确保人们的生命,财产和社会稳定的安全。


总理李·齐安(Li Qiang)在他的政府工作报告中提出了5日,在过去的一年中,具有汉语特征的主要国家外交已经开发了新的情况。

习近平总统以及其他政党和州领导人访问了许多国家,并参加了大型多边和双边活动,例如上海合作组织峰会,金砖四国大会会议,APEC领导人的非正式会议,G20领导人峰会以及东亚合作领导人系列赛。成功举办了重大的家庭外交活动,例如中国 - 非洲合作论坛的北京峰会,和平共存五个原则成立70周年,以及中国 - 阿拉伯合作论坛的部长级会议。促进人类拥有共同未来的社区建设,巩固和扩大全球伙伴关系,遵守真正的多边主义,并在应对全球挑战和解决国际和地区领域的热门问题方面发挥积极和建设性的作用。中国为促进世界和平与发展做出了重要贡献。

过去一年所取得的成就从根本上取决于Xi Jinping的领导和管理秘书长,以及对新时代中汉语和中文特征的习近平思想的科学指导

总理李·昆格(Li Qiang)在他的政府工作报告中指出,过去一年中取得的成就在于官长习近平的领导和掌舵,以及对习近平的科学指导,对社会主义具有新时代的中文特征。这是党中央委员会强大的领导型习近平的核心,以及整个党,整个陆军和该国所有族裔人民的团结和斗争的结果。


李·昆格(Li Qiang)总理在他的政府工作报告中说,在确认成就的同时,我们也清楚地意识到了我们面临的问题和挑战。



总理李·昆格(Li Qiang)在他的政府工作报告中指出,今年是第14五年计划的终结。 To do a good job in government work, we must, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guidance, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second and Third Plenary Sessions of the 20th Central Committee, adhere to the general tone of work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, fully and accurately implement the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, solidly promote high-quality development, further comprehensively deepen reforms, expand high-level opening up to the outside world, build a modern industrial system, better coordinate development and security, implement more active and effective macro policies, expand domestic demand, promote the integrated development of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, stabilize the real estate market and stock market, prevent and resolve risks and external shocks in key领域,稳定期望,刺激活力,促进经济的持续恢复和改善,不断改善人们的生活水平,保持社会和谐与稳定,并以高质量的“ 14五年计划”的目标和任务完成,为“ 15五年计划”的良好开端奠定了坚实的基础。


总理李·昆格(Li Qiang)在他的政府工作报告中提出,今年的主要预期发展目标是:GDP增长约为5%;受到城市调查的失业率约为5.5%,城市就业超过1200万新的城市工作;消费者价格上涨约2%;居民的收入增长与经济增长同步;国际支付余额基本上保持平衡;谷物产量约为1.4万亿吉恩;每单位GDP的能耗降低了约3%,生态环境质量继续提高。



总理李·昆格(Li Qiang)在他的政府工作报告中提出了第五次提出的,我们将坚持寻求进步,同时保持稳定,通过进步来促进稳定,坚持真理和创新,首先建立,然后破坏,然后进行系统地整合和合作,丰富和合作,丰富和提高政策工具,以动态地调整麦克罗的范围,并改善了麦克罗的范围,并促进了型号,并促进了型号和良好的环境和良好的效果,并既可以既可以又有效率,从而既可以既适合又有效率。注意目标指导,掌握政策取向,注意时间和强度,增强系统思维并提高宏观政策实施的有效性。


实施中等宽松的货币政策。全面发挥货币政策工具的总数和结构的双重功能,及时降低储备金比率和利率,维持足够的流动性并符合经济增长和总价格水平的预期目标。 Optimize and innovate structural monetary policy tools, promote the healthy development of the real estate market and stock market with greater efforts, and increase support for scientific and technological innovation, green development, boosting consumption, as well as private, small and micro enterprises, etc. Further clear the channels for monetary policy transmission, improve the interest rate formation and transmission mechanism, implement the policy of renewing loans without repayment, and strengthen support measures such as financing credit enhancement和风险共享。促进综合社会融资成本的下降,并提高金融服务的可用性和便利性。在合理的平衡水平上保持RMB汇率的基本稳定性。扩展中央银行的宏观估计性和财务稳定功能,创新金融工具并保持金融市场稳定。




总理李·昆格(Li Qiang)在他的政府工作报告中指出,要实现今年的目标和任务,我们必须彻底实施Xi Jinping的经济思想,掌握高质量发展的主要任务,坚持通过质量和杠杆经济赢得规模经济的胜利,并实现有效的质量和合理的数量增长。



总理李·昆格(Li Qiang)提议大力提高消费量,提高投资效率并扩大国内需求,以在第五次引入今年的政府工作报告中。促进消费和投资的更好组合,加快国内需求的满足,尤其是消费缺点,并使国内需求成为推动经济增长的主要驱动力和稳定性的锚点。


积极扩大有效的投资。专注于国家发展战略和人民的生计需求,全面发挥各种政府投资工具的作用,加强财政和金融合作,加强项目储备和因素保证,加速实施许多关键项目,并促进“ 14五年计划”中主要项目的成功结论。我们将选择正确的项目,很好地管理和使用资金,确保正在建设的项目的资金需求,并坚决防止效率低下且无效的投资。今年,计划在中央预算范围内分配7350亿元人民币进行投资。充分利用超长期的特殊国库券,加强诸如超长贷款之类的支持融资,加强自上而下的组织和协调,并通过更大的努力来支持“两级”的建设。优化地方政府的特殊债券管理机制,实施措施,例如投资领域的负面列表的管理,项目审查管理局的权力下放。简化投资批准流程,并建立和改善一种协调和促进各个地区主要跨部门项目的机制。增加对服务行业的投资。支持并鼓励私人投资的发展,标准化政府与社会资本之间合作的新机制,指导更多的私人资本参与建设主要基础设施,社会和生计以及其他领域,以便私人资本具有更大的发展空间。


总理李·昆格(Li Qiang)在他的政府工作报告中提出了5日的政府工作报告,当时介绍了今年的政府工作任务,以根据当地条件发展新的质量生产力,并加速现代工业系统的建设。促进科学和技术创新和工业创新的综合发展,大力促进新的工业化,使高级制造业更大,更强大,积极发展现代服务行业,并促进新势头的积累以及传统势头的更新和升级。



刺激数字经济的创新活力。继续促进“人工智能 +”动作,更好地将数字技术与制造优势和市场优势相结合,支持大型模型的广泛应用,并大力开发新一代的智能终端和智能的制造设备,例如智能连接的新型能源车,人工智能手机和计算机和智能机器人。扩展5G的大规模应用,加快工业互联网的创新开发,优化国家计算资源的布局,并建立一个具有国际竞争性的数字行业集群。加速基本数据系统的改进,加深数据资源的开发和利用,并促进和标准化跨境数据流。促进平台经济的标准化和健康发展,并更好地在促进创新,扩大消费和稳定就业方面发挥积极作用。


总理李·昆格(Li Qiang)在他的政府工作报告中提出了5日的政府工作报告,介绍了今年的政府工作任务,以实施通过科学和教育来建立一个国家的战略,并提高国家创新系统的整体效率。遵守创新领导的发展,以整合的方式促进教育发展,科学和技术创新以及人才培训,并为中国风格的现代化建立坚实的基础和战略支持。



全面提高人才团队的质量。 Give full play to the radiation role of talent highland and talent platforms, accelerate the construction of national strategic talent forces, and strengthen the cultivation of top innovative talents, urgently needed talents and high-skilled talents in key areas. We will strongly support and boldly use young scientific and technological talents. Build a team of first-class industrial technical workers. Improve the support and guarantee mechanism for overseas talents introduced and optimize foreign talent services. Deepen the reform of the talent management and use system, give employers greater autonomy, and promote the joint training and exchange of industry, academia and research talents. Promote the rational layout of talents in the region and strengthen talent cooperation in the east, central and western regions. Deepen the reform of talent classification evaluation and the "hat" governance of the science and education community, establish a talent evaluation system oriented towards innovation capabilities, quality, effectiveness and contribution, and encourage all kinds of talents to devote themselves to research and accumulate strength.

Promote the accelerated implementation of landmark reform measures and better play the leading role of economic system reform

Premier Li Qiang proposed to promote the accelerated implementation of landmark reform measures in his government work report on the 5th and better play the leading role of economic system reform. Solidly advance reforms in key areas, strive to break down institutional and mechanism barriers that restrict development, and create a fairer and more dynamic market environment.

Effectively stimulate the vitality of various business entities. Adhere to and implement the "two unshakable". Complete the action to deepen and improve the reform of state-owned enterprises with high quality, implement guidelines for optimizing the layout and structural adjustment of the state-owned economy, and accelerate the establishment of an evaluation system for state-owned enterprises to fulfill their strategic missions. We will implement policies and measures to promote the development of the private economy, effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of private enterprises and private entrepreneurs in accordance with the law, and encourage private enterprises with conditions to establish and improve a modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics. We will strive to promote the work of clearing out accounts arrears of enterprises, strengthen source governance and punishment for breach of trust, and implement a long-term mechanism to solve the problem of arrears of enterprises. Deepen normalized communication and exchanges between government and enterprises, and effectively help enterprises solve practical difficulties and problems. Support the development of individual industrial and commercial households.采取特殊行动,以标准化涉及企业的执法,集中精力纠正随机指控,罚款,检查和密封,并坚决防止在其他地方进行非法执法以及寻求利润的执法。 The government should incorporate management into services and use the warmth of services to enhance the confidence of enterprises.

Deepen the construction of a unified national market. Accelerate the establishment and improvement of basic system rules, break down local protection and market division, open up the blocks and bottlenecks that restrict economic circulation in terms of market access and exit, factor allocation, etc., and comprehensively rectify "intra-roll" competition. Implement the national unified market construction guidelines, revise and issue a new version of the negative list of market access, and optimize the market access environment for new business forms and new fields. Formulate compliance guidelines for fair competition in key areas and reform and improve the bidding system and mechanism. Implement policies to improve the social credit system and build a unified credit repair system. Improve the simple exit system for enterprises and gradually promote statistics on where the activities of business entities occur. Accelerate the construction of a unified and open transportation market and implement special actions to reduce logistics costs across the society.

Deepen the reform of the fiscal and taxation and financial system.对中央部门的零预算进行试点改革,支持地方政府加深基于零的预算改革,并积极创新,例如支出标准和绩效评估等关键系统。加快某些项目的消费税收税流程的转移和减法,以增加当地财务资源。标准化税收优惠政策。积极探索建立激励机制,以促进地方政府在高质量发展中培养财务资源。严格控制财务支持人员的规模。 Improve the standard system and basic systems of science and technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance, and digital finance. Deepen the comprehensive reform of investment and financing in the capital market, vigorously promote the entry of medium- and long-term funds into the market, and strengthen the construction of strategic force reserves and market stabilization mechanisms. Reform and optimize the system of stock issuance and listing and mergers and acquisitions. Accelerate the development of the multi-level bond market.

Expand high-level opening up to the outside world, actively stabilize foreign trade and foreign investment

总理李·昆格(Li Qiang)建议在今年介绍政府工作任务时在他的政府工作报告中扩大高级公开向外界开放。无论外部环境如何发生变化,我们都将始终坚持向外界开放,稳步扩大机构开放,有序地扩大独立的开放和单方面开放,并通过开放来促进改革和发展。

稳定外贸的发展。增加努力稳定外贸政策并支持企业以稳定订单并扩大市场。优化诸如融资,和解和外汇等金融服务,扩大出口信用保险的规模和覆盖范围,并加强对企业参加海外展览的支持。促进跨境电子商务的开发,改善跨境后勤系统,并加强海外仓库的建设。扩大海外经济和贸易合作区的职能,发展中级商品贸易并开放多元化的市场。支持家庭和外贸的综合发展,并加快解决标准认证,市场渠道等问题的解决。促进服务贸易的创新发展,增强传统优势服务的竞争力,鼓励服务出口并扩大高质量服务的进口。培养新的增长点,例如绿色贸易和数字贸易,并为建立新的海上贸易的条件提供支持。以高质量组织CIIE,Canton Fair,服务交易博览会,数字贸易展览会和消费者博览会等大型展览。促进智能海关的建设与合作,并提高海关促进的水平。


以深入和实用的方式促进“皮带和道路”的高质量联合结构。协调主要地标项目和“小而美丽”的人的生计项目,并形成许多示例性合作结果。确保中国 - 欧洲货运列车的稳定,平稳的运行,并加速新的西部陆地海峡。指导外国投资的健康,安全和有序的发展,加强法律,金融和物流等全面的海外服务,并优化工业链和供应链的国际合作布局。


Effectively prevent and resolve risks in key areas, firmly maintain the bottom line of preventing systemic risks

Premier Li Qiang proposed in his government work tasks this year in his government work report on the 5th to effectively prevent and resolve risks in key areas and firmly maintain the bottom line of preventing systemic risks. Better coordinate development and security, insist on gradually resolving risks in development, and strive to achieve a benign interaction between high-quality development and high-level security.

Continue to make efforts to push the real estate market to stop falling and stabilize.采取措施减少纽约市的限制,并加紧努力实施城市村庄和破旧房屋的翻新,以充分释放刚性和改善住房需求的潜力。优化城市空间结构和土地使用方法,并合理地控制新房地产土地的供应。振兴现有的土地和商业住房,促进现有商业住房的收购,并在获取实体,价格和用途方面为城市政府提供更大的自治权。扩大了负担得起的住房使用范围的范围。全面发挥房地产融资协调机制的作用,继续在确保住房交付方面做得很好,并有效防止房地产公司债务违约的风险。以有序的方式建立相关的基本系统,并加速建造房地产开发的新模型。 Adapt to the people's high-quality living needs, improve standards and specifications, and promote the construction of a safe, comfortable, green and smart "good house".

Safely resolve local government debt risks.遵守中国债务和化学债务的发展,改善和实施一揽子债务套餐,优化评估和控制措施,动态调整高风险债务区域清单,并支持开放新的投资领域。根据科学分类和精确替代的原则,在取代地方政府的隐藏债务方面做得很好。改善政府债务管理制度,并坚决遏制非法债务借贷的冲动。加速当地融资平台的政府融资职能的剥离,并促进面向市场的转型和债务风险解决方案。

Actively prevent risks in the financial field.根据市场化和法治的原则,我们将以综合方式促进当地中小型金融机构的风险处理,转型和发展,并全面采用诸如补充资本,合并和重组的方法,以及市场出口以对风险进行分类和解决风险。改善中小型金融机构的功能定位和治理机制,并促进基于区分和基于内涵的发展。改善财务监督系统,加强中央和地方监督协调,并对非法财务活动进行高压镇压。丰富了保险资源的资源,例如存款保险基金和财务稳定保证金。改善处理外部风险冲击并有效维持财务安全和稳定的计划。

Focus on the "three rural issues" and deepen the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas

Premier Li Qiang proposed to introduce this year's government work tasks in his government work report on the 5th to focus on the "three rural issues" and deepen the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. Adhere to the priority development of agriculture and rural areas, learn and apply the experience of the "Ten Million Project", improve the support system for strengthening agriculture, benefiting farmers and enriching farmers, and do everything possible to promote agricultural efficiency, rural vitality, and farmers' income.

Continue to enhance the ability to stabilize production and supply of important agricultural products such as grain. Stabilize the grain planting area and focus on yield and quality improvement. Consolidate the achievements of soybean seed expansion and tap the potential for oil production expansion. Promote stable production and quality improvement of marshmallow glue. Support the stable development of animal husbandry and fishery, support the development of modern facility agriculture, and develop food resources in all aspects. Strictly adhere to the red line of arable land and strictly manage balanced occupation and compensation. Promote the construction of high-standard farmland with high quality, strengthen the construction of farmland water conservancy facilities and modern irrigation areas, and promote the management of degraded arable land. Deeply implement the seed industry revitalization action. Accelerate the research and development and application of advanced and applicable agricultural machinery and equipment and the large-scale promotion of agricultural scientific and technological achievements. Comprehensive measures will be implemented to promote the prices of important agricultural products such as grain to maintain a reasonable level. Launch inter-provincial horizontal interest compensation for grain production and sales areas under the central government's coordination, increase support for major grain-producing counties, and protect the enthusiasm of grain-growing farmers and major grain-producing areas. All regions must shoulder the responsibility of ensuring national food security and work together to hold their jobs firmly.

Consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation without any slackening. Improve the effectiveness of monitoring and assistance, continue to consolidate and improve the results of the "three guarantees" and drinking water safety, and ensure that large-scale relapse into poverty will not occur. Strengthen follow-up support for relocation, promote the quality and efficiency of assistance industries in a classified manner, increase employment assistance, and expand the scale of labor-for-relief. Deepen cooperation between the east and west, targeted assistance, and consumer assistance. Improve the long-term management mechanism for national investment in poverty alleviation. Coordinate the establishment of a rural mechanism to prevent poverty from falling back into poverty and a stratified and classified assistance system for low-income and underdeveloped areas, carry out an overall assessment of the effective connection between consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation results and rural revitalization, and improve the assistance policy system after the transition period.

Solidly promote rural reform and development. Consolidate and improve the basic rural management system, orderly promote the pilot program for another 30 years after the expiration of the second round of land contracts, and expand the scope of the entire province-wide pilot program. Improve the price formation mechanism for the transfer of contracted land management rights and improve the quality and efficiency of agricultural social services. Develop a new type of rural collective economy. Innovate the investment and financing mechanism for rural revitalization. Strengthen the rural talent team. Deepen reforms in collective forest rights, agricultural reclamation, supply and marketing cooperatives, agricultural water prices, etc. Promote the integrated development of developing industries, strengthening counties and enriching the people according to local conditions, do a good job in "local specialties", develop forest economy, promote the extension of rural characteristic industries to increase efficiency, connect farmers to lead farmers, and broaden the channels for farmers to increase their income. Strengthen the construction of civilized rural customs, enrich the cultural life of farmers, and promote the transformation of customs and customs in rural areas. Continue to improve rural infrastructure, public services and living environment, and build livable, business-friendly and beautiful villages.

Promote new urbanization and regional coordinated development, and further optimize the spatial pattern of development

总理李·昆格(Li Qiang)提议促进新的城市化和区域协调的发展,并进一步优化了他的政府工作报告中的空间发展模式。改善和实施区域协调发展的战略机制,遵守以人为导向的方法来改善城市化质量,并建立具有互补优势的区域经济布局和土地空间系统。


增加实施区域战略的努力。全面发挥区域协调的发展策略,区域主要战略和主要功能领域策略的叠加影响,并积极培养新的增长极。深入实施诸如西部地区发展,东北地区的全面振兴,中央地区的加速崛起以及东部地区现代化加速促进等战略。提高了经济发展优势地区的创新能力,辐射以及驱动作用,例如北京-Tianjin-hebei地区,长江三角洲和广东港口大湾地区。深入促进长江经济带,生态保护和黄河盆地高质量发展的建设。支持主要的经济省份,占据领导地位,并根据要素保证,科学和技术创新,改革和开放式的首先和审判制定支持政策。鼓励其他地区适应当地条件并显示其优势。促进具有高标准和高质量的新区新区域的建设。促进成都 - 昌安双城经济圈的建设,以更深入,更实用。加深了东部,中部,西部和东北地区的工业合作,并促进行业的有序梯度转移。支持旧革命区和族裔地区的加速发展,加强边境地区的建设,并促进边境地区的发展,以丰富人民,稳定和巩固边界。积极探索基于资源的区域的转型和发展的新途径。大力发展海洋经济并建立国家海洋经济发展示范区。

Coordinately promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction and green growth, and accelerate the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development

Premier Li Qiang proposed in his government work tasks this year in his government work report on the 5th to jointly promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction and green growth, and accelerate the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development. Further deepen the reform of the ecological civilization system, coordinate industrial structure adjustment, pollution control, ecological protection, and climate change response, and promote ecological priority, conservation and intensive, green and low-carbon development.

Strengthen pollution prevention and control and ecological construction.继续加深捍卫蓝天,清除水和清洁土地的战斗。 Formulate an action plan for comprehensive solid waste management, strengthen coordinated governance of new pollutants and environmental risk control. Deeply implement ecological environment zoning control, coordinate the integrated protection and systematic governance of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands and sands, comprehensively promote the construction of a natural protection area system with national parks as the main body, and promote the landmark battle of the "Three Norths" project to achieve important results. Implement major biodiversity protection projects and firmly promote the ten-year fishing ban in the Yangtze River. Improve the mechanism for ecological protection compensation and ecological product value realization. Actively promote the construction of a beautiful China pilot zone and continuously meet the people's new expectations for a good ecological environment.

Accelerate the development of a green and low-carbon economy. Improve the policy and standard system to support green and low-carbon development and create a healthy development ecosystem for green and low-carbon industries. Deeply implement green and low-carbon advanced technology demonstration projects and cultivate new growth points such as green buildings. Improve the total resource management and comprehensive conservation system, strengthen the energy-saving and water-saving management of key energy-consuming and water-consuming units, and effectively control high-energy-consuming projects. Strengthen waste recycling and vigorously promote the use of recycled materials. Improve the green consumption incentive mechanism and promote the formation of green and low-carbon production and lifestyles.

Actively and steadily promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality. Solidly carry out the second batch of national carbon peak pilot projects and establish a batch of zero-carbon parks and zero-carbon factories. Accelerate the construction of a dual-control system for carbon emissions and expand the coverage of the national carbon emission rights trading market industry. Carry out carbon emission statistical accounting, establish a product carbon footprint management system and a carbon mark certification system, and actively respond to green trade barriers. Accelerate the construction of the "Shagohuang" new energy base, develop offshore wind power, and coordinate the construction of on-site consumption and delivery channels. Carry out pilot demonstrations for low-carbon transformation of coal-fired power. Plan a package of major projects to respond to climate change, and actively participate in and lead global environmental and climate governance.

Increase efforts to ensure and improve people's livelihood and improve social governance efficiency

Premier Li Qiang proposed to increase efforts to ensure and improve people's livelihood in his government work report on the 5th when introducing this year's government work tasks. Strengthen the construction of universal, basic and basic people's livelihood, steadily improve the level of public services and social security, promote social harmony and stability, and continuously enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security.

Make greater efforts to stabilize and expand employment. Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood. We must improve employment priority policies, increase the overall support for various types of funds and resources, promote full employment and improve the quality of employment. Implement employment support plans for key areas, key industries, urban and rural grassroots and small and medium-sized enterprises, and make full use of policies such as job stability refunds, tax and fee reductions, and employment subsidies.支持劳动密集型行业吸收和稳定就业,协调新技术和工作转型的应用,并创造新的就业机会。优化诸如大学毕业生等年轻人的就业和企业家服务,扩大就业和企业家渠道,为退休士兵的重新安置和就业提供良好的服务,促进就业人士的就业,从而摆脱了贫困和移民工人,并为诸如老年人,承诺的失业和长期雇用和长期雇用和长期雇用和长期雇用和长期雇用的群体增强了援助。 Strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of workers in flexible employment and new employment forms, and promote the expansion of pilot projects for occupational injury protection. We will effectively ensure the payment of wages for workers, clean up and rectify wage arrears, and resolutely correct all kinds of employment discrimination. Carry out large-scale vocational skills improvement training actions to increase the supply of skilled talents in scarce manufacturing and service industries. Accelerate the construction of a skill-oriented salary distribution system, improve the treatment level of skilled talents, and allow those who work more to gain more, those who have higher skills more, and those who have innovators more to gain more.

Strengthen basic medical and health services. Implement the health-first development strategy and promote the coordinated development and governance of medical care, medical insurance and medicine. Deepen the reform of public hospitals oriented towards public welfare, promote dynamic adjustment of staffing, establish a charging mechanism dominated by medical services, and improve the salary system. Improve ward conditions and continuously improve medical services with patient-centeredness. Promote the expansion and sinking of high-quality medical resources and the balanced regional layout, and implement the medical and health foundation strengthening project. Strengthen the construction of the professional teams of nursing, pediatrics, pathology, and geriatric medicine, and improve the mental health service system. Optimize the drug procurement policy, strengthen quality assessment and supervision, and make the people more at ease using medicine. Improve the drug price formation mechanism, formulate an innovative drug catalog, and support the development of innovative drugs. Improve the mechanism for inheritance, innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine, and promote the high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine and industries. Strengthen the construction of the disease prevention and control system and coordinate the prevention and control of key infectious diseases. The per capita financial subsidy standards for residents' medical insurance and basic public health services will be increased by another 30 yuan and 5 yuan respectively.稳步促进基本医疗保险的省级协调,改善基本医疗保险的融资和福利调整机制,加深医疗保险支付方法的改革,并促进分层的诊断和治疗。全面建立一种可消耗品的可食用性机制,严格监督医疗保险基金,并允许每一分钱用于改善人们的健康和福祉。

Improve social security and service policies. The minimum standard for basic pension for urban and rural residents will be increased by another 20 yuan, and the basic pension for retirees will be appropriately increased.加速养老金保险的第三支支柱并实施个人养老金系统。积极应对人口衰老,改善和制定老年护理行业和老年护理行业的政策机制,并大力发展白银经济。促进社区支持的家庭老年护理,加强对残疾老年人的护理,增加对老年餐饮服务的购买和租金的支持和康复援助设备,扩大普遍的老年护理服务,并促进农村老年护理服务的发展。加速建立长期护理保险系统。 Formulate policies to promote childbirth, issue childbirth subsidies, vigorously develop integrated childcare services, and increase the supply of universal childcare services.稳步实施延迟法定退休年龄的逐步改革。在优惠待遇和军人家庭,退休士兵和其他优惠待遇的接受者方面做得很好。在困难的情况下,加强儿童的护理服务,移民儿童和左撇子儿童。为严重残疾人提供良好的护理服务,并提高预防残疾和康复服务的水平。加强动态监控,并为低收入人群提供标准化的援助和援助,改善分层和分类的社会援助系统,并确保有需要的人的基本生活。

Strengthen the construction of spiritual civilization. Improve the system and mechanism for cultivating and practicing the core socialist values, and promote the creation of mass spiritual civilization and the construction of civic morality. Develop philosophy and social sciences, news and publishing, radio, film and television, literature, art and archives, and strengthen the construction of think tanks. Deepen national reading activities. Strengthen and improve the ideological and moral construction of minors. Improve the long-term mechanism for network ecological governance, develop a positive and healthy network culture, and promote the construction of a cyber power in the new era. Improve the public cultural service system and promote high-quality cultural resources to reach the grassroots level. Improve the cultural industry system and market system, and accelerate the development of new cultural formats. Promote the systematic protection of cultural heritage and improve the level of protection and utilization of cultural relics and intangible cultural heritage and archaeological research. Expand international cultural exchanges and cooperation, and comprehensively improve the efficiency of international communication. Reform and improve the management system and operating mechanism of competitive sports. Organize the 15th National Games and the 12th World Games well. Actively develop ice and snow sports and ice and snow economy. Promote the construction of sports venues and facilities around the people and carry out extensive national fitness activities. Strengthen the popularization of scientific fitness and health intervention for adolescents, so that the younger generation can strengthen their will and work hard during exercise.

Maintain national security and social stability. Fully implement the overall national security concept, improve the system and mechanism for safeguarding national security, and promote the modernization of the national security system and capabilities. Implement the responsibility system for maintaining social stability, strengthen public safety governance, and strengthen the grassroots emergency foundation and strength. We will implement the three-year action plan to solve the root causes of safety production, carry out inspections and rectification of safety production risks in key industries and fields, and resolutely curb the occurrence of major and serious accidents. Strictly supervise food and drug supervision and ensure safety supervision of campus student meals and platform takeaway. Strengthen meteorological services. Do a good job in preventing and responding to natural disasters such as floods, droughts, typhoons, forest and grassland fires, geological disasters, and earthquakes. Do a good job in post-earthquake recovery and reconstruction in Dingri County, Tibet, and improve the earthquake resistance capacity of housing and infrastructure in key areas. Adapt to changes in social structure, improve the urban and rural grassroots governance system, strengthen the service management force of townships and streets, and improve the urban social governance capabilities. Comprehensively deepen the reform of public institutions. Guide and support the healthy development of social organizations, humanitarian assistance, volunteer services, public welfare and charity. Give full play to the role of industry self-discipline in industry associations and chambers of commerce. Protect the legitimate rights and interests of women, children, the elderly and the disabled. Adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era, promote the standardization of grassroots comprehensive management centers, continue to promote the rule of law in petition work, and resolve conflicts and disputes at the grassroots level and in the bud. Improve the balance and accessibility of public legal services. Improve the social psychological service system and crisis intervention mechanism, and cultivate a social mentality of self-esteem, self-confidence, rationality, peace and positiveness. Build a safer China at a higher level, improve the overall social security prevention and control system, crack down on illegal and criminal activities such as criminal gangs and telecommunications and network fraud in accordance with the law, and ensure that the people live and work in peace and contentment and social stability and order.

This year, the preparation of the 15th Five-Year Plan will be carried out

Premier Li Qiang said in his government work report on the 5th that the preparation of the "15th Five-Year Plan" will be carried out this year.我们必须深入分析“第15个五年计划”时期的新阶段特征,科学确定发展目标,计划重大战略任务,重大政策措施和重大工程项目,并更好地发挥规划在经济和社会发展中的领导和指导作用。

Comprehensively improve the government's ability to perform duties and ensure that the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee are implemented without fail

Premier Li Qiang pointed out in his government work report on the 5th that responding to new challenges and completing new tasks puts forward new higher requirements for government work. Governments at all levels and their staff must deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", strengthen the "four consciousnesses", firm up the "four self-confidences", and achieve the "two safeguards", and consciously maintain a high degree of unity with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in terms of ideology, politics and actions. Resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, thoroughly implement the spirit of the Central Eight Regulations, and unswervingly promote the government's party style and clean government construction and the fight against corruption. Comprehensively improve the government's ability to perform duties and ensure that the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee are implemented without fail.

Strengthen the construction of a law-based government. Strictly perform duties and responsibilities in accordance with the Constitution and laws, and promote the legalization of government institutions, functions, authority, procedures and responsibilities. Consciously accept supervision from the People's Congress and its Standing Committee at the same level, consciously accept democratic supervision from the CPPCC, and consciously accept social and public opinion supervision. Strengthen audit supervision. Adhere to scientific, democratic and legal decision-making, strengthen government legislative review, and strengthen the legality review of major decisions and normative documents. Deepen government affairs disclosure. Promote strict, standardized, fair and civilized law enforcement, implement the benchmark system for administrative discretion, and improve the institutional mechanisms to safeguard the interests of the masses. Support trade unions, the Communist Youth League, the Women's Federation and other mass organizations to play a better role. Government staff must perform their duties conscientiously, be honest and dedicated to the public, strictly enforce the rule of law, and act in accordance with the law, and ensure that the power granted by the Party and the people are always used to seek happiness for the people.

Improve administrative efficiency and level. Adhere to the truth and be pragmatic and solve problems based on reality. Be good at combining the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee with its own reality, plan work tools and carriers that are highly traction and leveraged, and improve the ability to implement creatively. Accelerate the construction of digital government, improve the management of the list of key matters of "efficiently do one thing" and the normal promotion mechanism, and improve the integrated online government service platform covering the whole country. Strengthen positive incentives, improve the assessment and evaluation system, continue to rectify formalism and reduce the burden on grassroots units, and effectively reduce the supervision, inspection and assessment of grassroots units with repeated, detailed indicators and cumbersome methods, so that cadres can spend more time and energy on doing practical things. Staff at all levels of government should insist on doing things first and be down-to-earth, and create more development achievements that can stand the test of history and the people.

Ethnic, religious and overseas Chinese affairs

Premier Li Qiang pointed out in his government work report on the 5th that we must take the forging of a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation as the main line, adhere to and improve the system of regional ethnic autonomy, continuously promote the cause of ethnic unity and progress, and accelerate the pace of modernization of ethnic regions. Adhere to the Party's basic policy on religious work, systematically promote the sinicization of religion in our country, and strengthen the rule of law in the governance of religious affairs. Improve the overseas Chinese affairs work mechanism, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese and returned overseas Chinese and their families, and gather the powerful force for Chinese people at home and abroad to create brilliance.

National defense and military construction

Premier Li Qiang said in his government work report on the 5th that in the past year, new and important progress has been made in national defense and military construction.在新的一年中,我们必须彻底实施XI Jinping对加强军事的思想,实施新时代的军事战略政策,遵守该党对人民军的绝对领导,充分而彻底地实施了军事委员会主席的责任制度,继续加深政治训练,并努力奋斗以实现第100周年的战斗,以实现第100周年。 Deepen the training and preparation for war, accelerate the development of new combat effectiveness, build a modern military theoretical system with Chinese characteristics, and firmly defend national sovereignty, security and development interests.我们将完成用于军事建设的“ 14五年计划”,加快国防发展项目的实施,并加速网络信息系统的构建。共同努力促进跨军事和地方改革,优化国防科学和技术行业系统和布局,并改善国家战略体系和能力建设工作机制。各级政府应大力支持国防和军事建设,改善双方支持和支持的工作机制,并巩固和发展岩石固定的军事,政府,军事和平民团结。

Work in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan

李·昆格(Li Qiang)总理在他的政府工作报告中说,我们必须全面,准确,准确,无能为力地实施“一个国家,两个系统”,“统治香港的人”,“澳门人的澳门”和“高度自主权”的“澳门人”的原则,并通过统治的宪法机构和制定的宪法机构,并实施了宪法,并实施了“宪法”的宪法,并在“澳大利亚澳门”的范围内实施”,该法律规定是基本的构造,并在“澳大利亚澳门”,并实施了“制造”,“澳大利亚”的制定人物。 Kong和“爱国者澳门”。支持香港和澳门发展经济,改善人们的生计,加深国际交流与合作,更好地融入整个国家发展,并保持香港和澳门的长期繁荣和稳定。

我们必须遵守该党在新时代解决台湾问题的整体战略,遵守单中国原则和“ 1992年共识”,坚决反对“台湾独立性”的分离主义和对外力的干预,并促进跨性质关系的和平发展。改善了促进跨界经济和文化交流与合作的系统和政策,加深了跨界的整合和发展,增强了海峡两边的同胞的福利,无所不能地促进了民族统一的巨大理由,并共同创造了民族恢复活力的重要原因。


Premier Li Qiang pointed out in his government work report on the 5th that we must adhere to an independent and peaceful foreign policy, adhere to the path of peaceful development, firmly pursue an open strategy of mutual benefit and win-win, oppose hegemony and power politics, oppose all forms of unilateralism and protectionism, and safeguard international fairness and justice.中国愿意与国际社会合作,提倡平等,有序的世界多极化,包容性和包容性的经济全球化,促进全球发展计划,全球安全计划和全球文明倡议的实施,积极参与全球治理体系的改革和建设,促进一个社区建立一个社区,并为人类提供了共同的未来,并创造了一个更好的未来,并创造了一个和平的发展。

Li Qiang finally said that confidence gathers strength and work hard to write a brilliant chapter. We must unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, face difficulties, forge ahead, strive to complete the annual economic and social development goals and tasks, ensure the successful conclusion of the "14th Five-Year Plan", and work tirelessly to comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization!

上一篇 中国加大稳外贸外资政策力度,应对全球经济不确定性风险 下一篇 2024年中国财政政策新动向:赤字率提升至4%,新增政府债务规模达11.86万亿元